Le salon HAMRADIO à Friedrichshafen arrive à grand pas, dans 6 jours le salon commencera Je vous ferrais partager par un live tweet cet événement Abonnez vous: #f8asb
Pour ceux qui vienne en camping car ou en camping, je vous invite à lire l’article de l’année dernière
Heures d’ouverture
Vendredi et samedi de 09h00 – 18h00
Dimanche de 9,00 à 15,00
Les tarif 2015:
Tarifs d’entrée
Type de carte | Les prix | Réservation à l’avance |
Billet Jour | € 9,00 | € 8,00 |
Insigne 3 Jour | € 20,00 | € 18,00 |
Jour billet réduite * | € 6,50 | |
Plaque de 3 jours réduit * | € 15,00 | |
* (Réduction pour les élèves, les étudiants, les retraités, les personnes handicapées, sur présentation d’ID) | ||
Groupes de 20 personnes (par personne) | € 6,50 | |
Enfants moins de 6 ans entrée gratuite | ||
Prix de catalogue | € 1,50 | |
Visiteur parking est / ouest | € 4,00 |
Emplacement pour caravanes (P Ost 2)
du lundi 22 Juin 07h00 horloge
Période | Les prix |
22h06. – 28/06/2015 | 60,00 € * |
24.06. – 28/06/2015 | 45,00 € * |
26.06. – 28/06/2015 | 35,00 € * |
* Les prix comprennent conducteur et passager avant, chaque personne supplémentaire .:
22h06. – 28/06/2015 € 25,00
24.06. – 28/06/2015: 20,00 €
25.06. – 28/06/2015: € 15,00
Dans arrivée plus tôt 25 EUR sera facturé par jour. La disponibilité de l’assainissement, de l’électricité et de l’eau est garantie jusqu’à ce que le 22/06/2015.
HAMRADIO c’est aussi des conférences dans des salles réservés. Ci dessous le programme:
Vendredi 26/06/2015
Arrival Contest
Speaker: Franz Berndt, DL9GFB
9N1Emergency – Disater of Nepal Network Ham Op Truppe
Speaker: Dirk Lübbert, DC8BJ
Teachers Education Programm
Speaker: Prof. Dr. Roman Dengler, DK6CN, Harald Schönwitz, DL2HSC
Propagation of Light – Phenomena, Description and Simple Experiments
Speaker: Prof. Dr. Roman Dengler, DK6CN
Presentation of the Photometer AS535
Speaker: Ulrich Pöggel, DL5OAU
Speaker: Noel Matthews, G8GTZ and others
Antenna Simulation Programs and AntCreator – the Link to Radio Mobile
Speaker: Matthias Hornsteiner, DG4MHM
Speaker: Ulrich Weiß, DJ2YA
Disaster Management by Ham Radio in “Hud-Hud” Cyclone
Speaker: Master Tom K. Jose, VU3TMO
Technology behind Satellite Contacts
Speaker: Ralf Rudersdorfer, OE3RAA
German Amateur License Exam Class A and E
Speaker: Hans Bächle, BNetzA
Audience Participation plus Short Presentations about SOTA – Summits on the Air
Speaker: Dr. Jürg Regli, HB9BIN, Paul Schreier, HB9DST, Andy Sinclair, MM0FMF, Peter Kohler, HB9TVK, Hansjörg Baur, HB9DWS
Meeting AGCW-DL e.V.
Speaker: Wolfgang Borschel, DK2DO
Software Defined Radio – News
Speaker: Klaus Lohmann, DK7XL, Gerald Youngblood, K5SDR
Telephony via Light – Home Made Kit
Speaker: Dr.-Ing. Karsten Hansky, DL3HRT
Telephony via Light – Practical Presentation
Speaker: Dr.-Ing. Karsten Hansky, DL3HRT, Peter Eichler, DJ2AX
DARC65-Activities on the Air
Speaker: Enrico Stumpf-Siering, DL2VFR
Informal IARU-Meeting
Speaker: Jörg Jährig, DJ3HW
Meeting of Interested Parties in Youth and Education Work
Speaker: Annette Coenen, DL6SAK
Mining Activity – on the Way to New Dimensions
Speaker: Dr. Jens Schumann, DM2KJ
Next Generation Beacons
Speaker: Bo Hansen, OZ2M
The ENIGMA and Other Famous Cipher Machines – III
Speaker: Prof. Tom Perera, W1TP
Advanced DMR Networking
Speaker: Denis Bederov, DL3OCK, Artöm Prilutskiy, R3ABM
German DX-Foundation
Speaker: Franz Langner, DJ9ZB
Digital Voice Users Meeting (D-STAR, DMR, TETRA, etc.)
Speaker: Jochen Berns, DL1YBL
Emergency Communications University
Speaker: Michael Becker, DJ9OZ
Frequency Management of DARC – HF Topics of WRC 2015
Speaker: Ulrich Müller, DK4VW
Speaker: Helmut Oeller, DC6NY
IARU R1 International Youth Meeting
Speaker: Annette Coenen, DL6SAK, Lisa Leenders, PA2LS
Monitoring Service 2014/2015
Speaker: Wolfgang Hadel, DK2OM
Speaker: Roger Balister, G3KMA / RSGB
Rediscovery and Reception of the ISEE-3 Spacecraft
Speaker: Dr. Achim Vollhardt, DH2VA
Speaker: Prof. Dr.-Ing. Michael Hartje, DK5HH, Markus Heller, DL8RDS
UKW-QSO-Party and KW-QSO-Party
Speaker: Karl-Maria Heimberg, DD4NC
US Licence Exam
Speaker: Mitch Wolfson, DJ0QN
Radio Location by Federal Network Agency
Speaker: Edmund Grim, BNetzA Konstanz
Es‘hailSat overview and AMSAT payload on Es‘hail2
Speaker: Thani Ali Al-Malki, Senior Sales Engineer
AMSAT Phase 4 – Project
Speaker: Peter Gülzow, DB2OS
Speaker: Helmut Heinz, DK6WL
Ham Radio with Kids and Yougsters
Speaker: Stefan Mallepell, HB9EUD, Remko Welling, PE1MEW
Radio Austria International Listeners‘ Meeting
Speaker: Wolf Harranth, OE1WHC
Radio Experiments with the International Space Station (ISS)
Speaker: Oliver Amend, DG6BCE
Reflow Soldering for Everyone
Speaker: Marc von Stralen, DK4DDS
VFDB-Members Meeting
Speaker: Heribert Spießl, DG9RAK
WattWächter: Station Assessment Software Tool by the German Administration
Speaker: Dr.-Ing. Mario Pauli
German Amateur License Exam Class A and E
Speaker: Hans Bächle, BNetzA
Practical Use of Vector Network Analysers
Speaker: Prof. Dr. Thomas Baier, DG8SAQ
Speaker: Klaus Lohmann, DK7XL
Introduction to Optical Communication
Speaker: Klaus Lutsch, DL8SER, Jo Becker, DJ8IL
Minimal WSPR-TX with Raspberry Pi
Speaker: Prof. Dr.-Ing. Michael Hartje, DK5HH
Software on Field Strength Prediction
Speaker: Prof. Dr. Harald Gerlach, DL2SAX
The 170 Year History of Telegraph Keys
Speaker: Prof. Tom Perera, W1TP
Speaker: Christiane Rüthing, DL4CR
Speaker: Peter Glasmacher, DK5DC
Electrical and Construction Characteristics of Modern Coaxial Cables
Speaker: Stefano Messi, Messi&Paoloni SRL
Practical THz-Technology, Presentation of Transmitters and Receivers
Speaker: Klaus Lutsch, DL8SER, Jo Becker, DJ8IL
Initiative NEW RADIO ham equipment for the future
Organizer: ÖVSV – Österreichischer Versuchssenderverband
A1 – 145
Deep Space Signal Reception using SDRs – what Amateurs can learn and do
Speaker: Mario Lorenz, DL5MLO
Essentials on Short Yagi Antennas
Speaker: Martin Steyer, DK7ZB
Measurments and Operation on FM-Repeaters using SVXLink
Speaker: Prof. Dr.-Ing. Michael Hartje, DK5HH, Martin Burkhardt, DF1AMB
SWL-Course and Test
Speaker: Annette Coenen, DL6SAK
The Angelina Method – to Denoise the Electronics for Free
Speaker: Prof. Dr.-Ing. Alexander Neidenoff, DK4JN
12. Meeting Terahertz Operation at Lake Constance
Speaker: Klaus Lutsch, DL8SER
Space Weather
Speaker: Mario Lorenz, DL5MLO
Departure Contest
Speaker: Achim Schulenburg, DB9PS
7QAA – Malawi Expedition 2015
Speaker: Emil Kostadinov, DL8JJ
Speaker: Ralf Knopf, DF9IK, Jürgen Ging, DL1YP
Modern Loop Antennas
Speaker: Helmut Bensch, DL4KCJ
Practical Use of Vector Network Analysers
Speaker: Prof. Dr. Thomas Baier, DG8SAQ
The Angelina Method – to Denoise the Electronics for Free
Speaker: Prof. Dr.-Ing. Alexander Neidenoff, DK4JN
Development Methods for Linux Embedded Systems
Speaker: Hans-Jürgen Koch, DL1GAO